The Home of Irresistible Art,Wee Hub,Living Memory Association,Ocean Terminal,Ocean Drive,Edinburgh EHG6 6JJ. On until 24th Oct,2022.
During Oct 2019 I was filming around East Lothian and came across a regatta of swans at Yellowcraigs. I determined to come back in the spring and make some paintings but then lockdown happened. I created these landscapes referring to my video footage and luckliy I was also able to also study a bevy of swans at St Margaret’s Loch in Holyrood Park. I think because I coudln’t get back to Yellowcraigs the colours became more intense in my mind’s eye.
Most of the paintings are of East Lothian beaches but I’ve also included The Achiltibuie Stone which was commissioned by Spirit of The Highlands. It is based on my short story set in Achiltibuie in Ross-shire.
As the Wee Hub is the former Debenhams I've adapted some leftover mannequins (Young Timer, Monkey Goddess and Scaldermaid), as have done some other artists in the main area, so there are plenty of exciting things to explore in this diverse space, open every day from 11am to 4pm.
Update: Just added a sculpture called Reef. Not really part of the exhibition but it was started in 1998 and is continuously being updated.
All images © David Hutchison